Discover The Best Way To Help Your Teen Maintain a Healthy Weight & Body Image

Access the Guide to gain clarity on the real reason teens adopt unhealthy habit patterns & simple strategies to help your teen feel confident in their own skin and never yo-yo diet in school and beyond.
Hi, I'm Claire Ketchum.  I am the founder of The Peaceful Eating Method and Healthy Habits Coaching for Teens. I’m a certified Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, a certified Transformational Nutrition Coach through the Institute of Transformative Nutrition, and hold a BS in Psychology and Masters in Education.  

I am on a mission to teach Moms how to help their teens maintain a healthy weight and body image in school and beyond, so they never yo-yo diet and always feel confident and happy in their own skin. 

The Parent Guide is part of that mission.  Enjoy!
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