The Peaceful Eating Method

Question for you ...

What if you could discover how to FINALLY make sustainable progress toward your feel-good weight for the next 3 months and beyond?

Or in other words ...

What if you could uncover the root cause of why you sabotage your progress over and over again and never get sustainable results?

And with this deeper knowing, utilize a step-by-step proven method to create a Peaceful Eating Blueprint (with personalized action steps based on your unique lifestyle and body) to heal what’s kept you stuck & finally make sustainable progress toward your feel-good weight.

An asset that will continually evolve and empower you to easily sustain your results and feel confident and happy in your own skin for years to come.

Sounds amazing, right?

Here's the problem ...

You have a huge list in your head of what you should and should not do to reach your feel-good weight.  But ... no matter how much you want to stick with these rules, eventually, it becomes a struggle.

You're so tired of ...

Vowing to stick to your diet and abandoning it the very next day, week or month.

Constantly getting back on track on Monday.

Trying so hard and not seeing the results you desire.

Saying no to foods you love when everyone else says yes.

Feeling stuck because nothing you ever do is sustainable.
Worrying about every morsel of food you put into your mouth.

Thinking you might not have what it takes to ever be successful.

Can you imagine ...

Easily making sustainable progress toward your feel-good weight without relying on willpower to follow restrictive food rules that suck the fun out of life.

Instead you'll be able to ...

Savor and enjoy all of your favorite foods again without guilt.

​Trust yourself to make the right choices for your body throughout the day.

​Be in control of your cravings even when surrounded by temptations.

​Stop sabotaging your healthy diet over and over again.

Easily stick to a plan & make sustainable progress toward your feel-good weight.

If you’re ready to discover how to make sustainable progress toward your feel-good weight (without struggling), I have something for you.


The Peaceful Eating Method

A step-by-step method that teaches you how to identify and heal what’s kept you stuck in the yo-yo cycle and empowers you to design a personalized Peaceful Eating Blueprint so you feel confident that you know exactly what to do each day to make sustainable progress toward your feel-good weight for the next three months and beyond.

What PEM graduates are saying ...


I felt she knew me and my lifestyle and was able to work with me to incorporate the Peaceful Eating Method into my individual life situation.

"I would recommend The Peaceful Eating Method to other women because it gives you the tools to not only learn what your stressors and triggers are that have stopped you from having a healthy diet but also to dig deep and learn a lot about yourself and who you want to be.  

Even in the early stages of the program just speaking with Claire about one of my downfalls that held me back it just clicked, and I found the answer to why I was struggling. 

Claire is very knowledgeable in this field and has recommendations to fit everyone's individual needs. 


This isn't a fad diet or quick-fix type program, but it is something that can set you up for sustained success.

“Before I joined PEM I was having trouble controlling my eating and recognizing when I was full instead of actually being stuffed. I didn’t understand why I was making the choices I was making.

I think that understanding the whys is key to being successful.

I loved all the different tips/tricks/ideas that Claire had for things. It wasn't like there was just one way to be successful. If you tried one thing and it didn't work, Claire was great with coming up with alternatives.

One of my goals was for my clothes to feel better, and I was successful! 

Here's what you get inside The Peaceful Eating Method

The Methodology

The program is broken down into 3 phases (12 Modules) based on identifying and reprogramming your personal Sustainable Weight Loss Blocks (stressors, default habits and subconscious blocks). 
Each phase takes into consideration the root cause of why YOU struggle to stick with your healthy eating goals and walks you step by step to create personalized and pleasurable action steps based on your current lifestyle and body.  

After each Module, you'll add your new action steps to your Peaceful Eating Blueprint.  That way you'll know exactly what to do each day to stay on track with your goals.

The Phases

Phase 1:  
You’ll learn how to identify your personal stressors and triggers and become stress resilient so that you can manage your stress without food or quitting healthy habits and consistently stick to your Peaceful Eating Blueprint.

Phase 2:
You’ll learn how to create a Peaceful Eating Plan (what you eat) and other pleasurable eating habits (how, when where & why you eat) that keep you in a relaxed state and support your goals.

Phase 3:
You’ll learn how to identify and reprogram your subconscious blocks (sabotaging thoughts and beliefs) that have kept you stuck, so you can stop sabotaging your success and easily stay on track with your Peaceful Eating Blueprint.

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

 During the weekly group coaching calls (held on Zoom), you’ll have an opportunity to give me an update on your Blueprint so that I can:

>> Answer your questions about the program content or action steps.

>> Support you when you are feeling unmotivated or overwhelmed.

>> Give you new strategies to try if what you picked isn’t working.

This way, you’ll know for sure you're on track to consistently stick to your Peaceful Eating Blueprint.

Members Only Facebook Group

The Peaceful Eating Method Community is a safe place to:
~ ask questions ~
~ get support ~
~ celebrate your wins ~
~ be held accountable ~ 
(in between coaching calls) 

You are never on this journey alone. 

I am there for you every step of the way.

Plus, it's where you'll find the replays of the weekly group coaching calls.

Sustainable Success Call

The Sustainable Success Call is a private 1:1 call. 

During this call, we’ll work together to update your Peaceful Eating Blueprint to ensure that you are 100% confident that you know exactly what to do each day to continue working towards or maintaining your feel-good weight once you have graduated from the program.

What makes The Peaceful Eating Method Different?

The Peaceful Eating Method is the first program of its kind that teaches you how to uncover and heal the root cause of what’s really causing you to sabotage your progress over and over and blocking you from reaching and maintaining your feel-good weight.

Since everyone’s root cause is different, the solution to breaking out of this pattern needs to be individualized too. (What worked for me or other PEM clients will likely not work for you.)

That’s why The Peaceful Eating Method walks you step-by-step to develop a personalized Peaceful Eating Blueprint, based on your unique lifestyle, body & blocks, that actually rewires your brain and creates new neural pathways.

This is the key to becoming a person who easily makes daily choices that lead to sustainable results and breaks out of the yo-yo cycle for good.

Start your transformation today...

Finally Make Sustainable Progress Toward Your Feel-Good Weight

You also get three awesome bonuses

Bonus #1

The Healthy Eating Guide:

This guide is a resource to help you take the guesswork out of what to eat and to help you upgrade your daily nutrition.

Inside you will find healthy eating tips as well as healthier drink, snack and meal suggestions to make healthy eating easier. (There are tons of direct links to suggestions provided.)  

Bonus #2

Back on Track Technique:

The Back on Track Technique can be used any time you eat something that you wish you hadn't. 

Instead of feeling like a failure and throwing in the towel, use The Back on Track Technique to release the guilt, take back control and stay on track with your healthy eating plan.  

Bonus #3

Crush Cravings Masterclass:

This masterclass will teach you how to differentiate between a craving and true hunger and help you discover the root cause of your craving and release the emotional connection to this food. 

By the end of this class, you'll be able to have your favorite food readily available and easily choose to enjoy a little or skip it altogether.   

So as you can see this isn’t a quick fix or a band aid solution. 

All the components of The Peaceful Eating Method work together to make sure that you have personalized strategies, mindset shifts, accountability and support to overcome your unique struggles and finally make sustainable progress toward your feel-good weight for the next three months and beyond.

My Transformation

Hi, I'm Claire - a certified Integrative Nutrition Coach & Transformational Nutrition Coach with a BS in Psychology.

But before that, I was a teacher trying really hard to stick to a healthy eating plan consistently.

No matter how much I wanted to stay on track with my healthy diet, I just couldn’t get myself to stop eating dessert ALL the time.  

Every time I failed again, I would be so frustrated that I didn’t have the self-control to stick with any diet. 

 I was so tired of being stuck in this yo-yo cycle, and I just wanted to find a diet that would finally work for me. 

Then one day, I was introduced to another way.

From that day, it took two health coaching certifications, numerous mindset courses and lots of personal trial and error, but after five years, I was finally able to create a sustainable blueprint and reach and maintain my feel-good weight.
After trying and failing for over twenty years, it was such a relief, and I wanted other women to have this same freedom.

That's why I'm on a Mission to ...

Teach a million yo-yo dieters how to uncover and heal what’s REALLY blocking them from making consistent progress toward their goals & empower them to design a personalized and sustainable blueprint to their feel-good weight, so they can finally feel confident and happy in their own skin too. 

Still not sure if PEM is right for you?

Hey, I get that. 

 If you’ve been struggling to reach and maintain your feel-good weight for years like I did, it makes sense that you’d be skeptical that The Peaceful Eating Method can really work for you. 

That's why I’ve created the program in such a way that you can’t possibly fail.

As long as you follow the steps, you will uncover your sustainable weight loss blocks & the best way for YOU to make sustainable progress toward your feel-good weight.

But there is a catch ..

You have to be ready to...

  • Focus on a proven system that works 
  • ​Uncover what’s REALLY blocking your progress
  • ​Commit to implementing your personalized action steps
  • Get support and be coached
  • ​Remain positive during the journey

You can't be ...

  • Looking for a way to lose weight quickly
  •  Unwilling/able to make time for yourself
  • ​Uncommitted to making lifestyle shifts
  • ​Wanting to follow a done for you meal plan
  • ​Close-minded to a new way of doing things

Have a question before joining?

Do you want to chat about how the phases could support you specifically, have questions about how the program works, or want support deciding if PEM is or is not a good fit for you to reach your goals?

I'm here to help. 

 Just use the link below to schedule a free Clarity Call. 
 (or send me DM

More Client Love


I wish everyone could learn what I learned.

"Before starting The Peaceful Eating Method, I was stuck with my weight loss and had no idea why.

It took some time and patience but with Claire’s coaching and personalized strategies, I uncovered the reason I was stuck. I was able to break through a plateau and start losing weight again.

Plus, I feel stronger and more in control than I have ever been. 

I would absolutely recommend The Peaceful Eating Method (and already have) because I think people underestimate how much our stress and emotions are linked to our weight. 


The best thing about PEM is that I was super motivated the whole time. I have tried other programs, and I always lost motivation and quit.

"Before starting The Peaceful Eating Method, I was really struggling with controlling my portions and snacking way too much. I also had a lot of trouble controlling my cravings.

Throughout this program, I learned different ways to control cravings, reduce stress, began eating slower and drinking a lot of water which I had never been able to do before. I lost over ten pounds, and I feel amazing.

Claire always reminded me that I was doing my best and that the number on the scale is just information. I always felt supported. I have already recommended The Peaceful Eating Method to many of my friends."

The Peaceful Eating Method

Start your transformation today & finally make sustainable progress toward your feel-good weight for the next 3 months and beyond.
Copyright 2023 Claire Ketchum, LLC